Lyme Regis Harbour Lyme Regis Harbour Lyme Regis Harbour

Harbour Works Updates


13 December 2023

Project Update – Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation Scheme 13.12.23 (James Mitchell, Dorset Coast Forum – community & stakeholder lead for scheme)

Investigations on inner wall take place to help inform detailed design for stabilisation works

You may have noticed these diggers in the Cobb inner harbour recently - they were carrying out investigations into the foundations of the harbour wall

From 27 – 29th November Hansford Construction Ltd on behalf of Dorset Council dug 20 shallow trial pits around the edge of the Cobb inner harbour wall.  The purpose of these pits was to provide further information on the condition of the Cobb inner wall below the sediment level and provide greater insight on the type and condition of the wall foundations.  The results of the investigations will be used to inform the detailed design development for the proposed Cobb stabilisation works.  The detailed design of these elements is due to commence early in the new year with scheduled completion by summer 2024.


Shallow Trial Pit which investigated the foundations


Location of the trial pits along the Cobb inner harbour area

The project team are also continuing to explore a range of funding options to add to the £3million budget, with rising costs due to inflation meaning the project is expected to cost at least £4.5million. The project team are also continuing to work closely with our statutory partner organisations including Historic England, Natural England, and the Environment Agency.

Thank you to everyone who completed the Commercial and Recreational Users Access Survey – results will be published on the Dorset Coast Forum Have Your Say page (link below) early next year. This information, along with further consultation events which will take place at an appropriate time in the future, will help guide the project team to find the least disruptive solution to undertaking the works.

We will continue to keep our stakeholders updated on the funding situation and consultation events in the future via these emails and via the dedicated website for the project (see below) 

Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation Scheme | Dorset Coast Have Your Say

Cobb stabilisation funding under pressure from inflation - Dorset Council news