Lyme Regis Harbour Lyme Regis Harbour Lyme Regis Harbour

Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation - Public Engagement Webpage & Users Access Survey are Live

31 August 2023

Dear all,


I am excited to share with you the public engagement webpage for the Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation Scheme.


Lyme Regis Cobb Stabilisation Scheme | Dorset Coast Have Your Say


On this webpage you be able to see updates, information, details of consultation events and activities.


We have also launched a Commercial and Recreational Users Access survey which is now live and hosted on the Have Your Say page. It aims to find out how and when commercial and recreational users access the Cobb. This will provide valuable information for the project team to help find the least disruptive solution to undertaking essential stabilisation works to the Cobb.  Please do complete the survey if you are a commercial or recreational user of the Cobb and please do share widely.


The direct link to the survey can be found here: